
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thing One and Thing Two...

Whelp that about does it for summa summa summa time!!! Tomorrow starts a new school year for my 2nd grader and I am so glad that he is so pumped about it. I'm pretty sure he would have been happy starting school on "Meet the Teacher Night". He was running around that room with his old friends like crazy!

Spent the weekend getting a lot of stuff done but it's never enough. We started going through all the baby clothes that we have. It's crazy!!! We should be set on baby clothes for the first 6 months or so. We may need to get some winter clothes if we have a boy because a lot of Jackson's are the opposite season of this baby but we managed to get a few that will get us through the first month at least.

Speaking of boy or girl...I keep going back and forth about what I want. And you know what I find funny? Why do people think that just because you want a certain gender you would be unhappy with the other? I mean isn't it natural to have a preference? Maybe that's my problem..maybe I really don't have a preference because I have both but even if I wanted a girl but had a boy I would be just as happy. I think some people find that hard to understand...but to each his own I guess, right? So yeah I think I'm on the girl kick again. I don't know if it's the clothes we just went through or what but ask me if I still want a girl on a bad day with Ella and I may change my mind. Or you could ask me if I wanted a girl on a good day with Ella and my answer could be, "A Boy"...Have I ever mentioned that I am an extremely indecisive person?

We also aren't set on girl names either. WE thought we were until I got a text from my in-laws one day...Actually before I even got the text I was thinking about the name they sent me..but I wasn't sure because two of my best friends have named their daughters the same name...Lillian or Lily. I love Lillian...A LOT! And I talked to Crystal about it (her almost 1 year old is named Lillian) and she is all for it!! Which I knew she would be...and we figured we would refer to them as Thing One and Thing Two if need be. But, honestly, what's the worse case Lillian grows up potentially knowing another child with her name? The possibility of that happening are out there either way. I told Jacob that he ultimately gets to choose the first name and I'm chosing the it will be up to him but I'm pretty sure the name Lillian is growing on him a lot. I guess we will just have to wait and see...

Let's see...what else did we get done over the weekend. Well we didn't clean out the baby room like I thought we would but we have plenty of time for that. I ended up going over to Crystal's to "watch the cowboys game" Friday night. Of course, we hardly watched it at all. We just talked..and talked...and talked...and were interrupted by a rock fight between her boys. Gaige totally had the unfair advantage of not knowing there was a rock fight between him and his brother. Briysen just went for it and through a rock, a HUGE rock, I might add, right at Gaige while he was swinging...Gaige was a trooper though and Briysen was really sorry!! Crystal handled it way better than I probably would have!! was nice to hang out with her and get to talk, I really enjoyed her company. We also registered over the weekend. Not even realizing it was tax free weekend, Target was not bad at all considering. It was so different registering when you don't know what you are having. I noticed that we pretty much registered for only the things we absolutely NEED. Which was very different for me. I'm pretty sure when I registered with Ella I went for it. I went PINK and never looked back. So we don't really have much that we registerd for. And my sister is giving us some things that we can use so that helps out a lot. It was fun to do though!

Well I need to wrap this up. My kids are coming home today rather than tomorrow morning. It's Jackson's first day and I get to take him to school so Lindsey is dropping them off earlier than usual. Yeah!!!

Peace OUT!!


  1. I have to say I agree on the gender thing! Take me for example, who thought they were having a boy, preferred a boy and then found out we are having a girl. Its hard to explain, and yes it was a shock and kind of a regrouping of thoughts (thats the best way I can explain it) but I am so happy! Jared is hoping you have a boy btw for Maddox's sake. LOL And... if you have a boy I have clothes that are in good condition, already organized and ready all the way from 0 to 18!


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